Ask For Revisions

Ask for Revisions!

At Wittypen, we prioritize transparency and collaboration in every step of your journey with us. This article aims to shed light on our content revision process, explaining the intricacies of how we refine content to meet your unique needs and expectations.

Content revision is a crucial phase in our content creation process. At Wittypen, we have adopted a two-step content revision policy, allowing you to review and request a change to the content not once, but twice. Thus, a structured approach allows for a thorough and efficient collaboration, ensuring that the final product surpasses expectations.

How it works:

  1. Initial Draft

    Once we’ve created the initial draft, the draft is reviewed by our Project managers and editors and then it is shared with customers for first review. Once shared customers can review and provide feedback on the overall direction, tone, and any specific elements that require attention.

  2. First Revision

    Based on your feedback, we will make the necessary revisions and refinements. This could involve adjusting the content structure, refining language, or incorporating specific details your feel is essential.

  3. Second Draft

    We present the revised content for your second review. This round is focused on fine-tuning and addressing any remaining concerns or requests you may have. It’s all about achieving content perfection that aligns precisely with your expectations.

We believe in open communications, timely revision, and empowering you to actively shape the content. This transparent approach ensures that the final product is not just deliverable but a reflection of your vision. Thank you for entrusting us with your content needs and we look forward to creating exceptional content together.