Brief Generator

Brief Generator

Brief often refers to a document or set of instructions a client or employer provides to guide the writer in creating specific content. It provides an outline of the content, and sets the right expectations and goals for a particular piece of writing.

A clear and detailed brief is essential for content writers to understand the expectations and produce content that aligns with the desired outcomes. It ensures that the content is as per the desired objective and reduces the likelihood of content revision.

How to use Brief Generator?

In case you don't have dedicated or would like to reduce the manual effort, Brief Generator can assist you generate the brief based on the topics of your interest.

Please follow the below instructions to use the Brief Generator tool for your content piece:

  • Login to your user account using your work email e.g. or
  • Once logged in you should see the Brief Generator on your dashboard in the "AI Content tools" section.
  • Select the option "Brief Generator" and it will redirect you to the Brief Generator page.

List of AI Tools

  • You will be required to fill in the following details to help the tool understand your requirements:
    1. Topic
    2. Length
    3. Website

Brief Generator Form

  • Upon filling up the mandatory columns, click on "Generate Brief".
  • Once the content is generated, you'd have options to share, download & re-generate a brief if needed.
  • Users would also have an option to delete the brief or share a feedback with us if any.

Features of Brief Generator